Dodge! Duh!! When someone uses an ATTACK 杀 card on you, use this card to prevent suffering damage. Used to best effect by making a silly face at your attacker right after you use the card. Neh neh ni bu bu~
What it does:
Do you really need me to spell it out for you?! Dodge! Evade! Get out of the way!
How to use it:
When an ATTACK is used on you, use this card to dodge the attack. The effect of the ATTACK is neutralized. In 99% of cases, you will not get to use this card during your turn. In certain cases, ATTACK can be dodged without the use of this card. This happens when you have equipped EIGHT TRIGRAMS 八卦阵.
Special abilities:
Probably the only instance when the DODGE card can cause damage to a player is when Zhang Jiao 张角 uses it when he is attacked. Every time Zhang Jiao uses DODGE, he can choose to use his "Thunder Strike 雷击" attack to inflict 2 units of lightning damage to any player of his choice! Follow the link to read more about Zhang Jiao.
Against conventional logic, the DODGE card might be the most frustrating card to draw from the deck! The reason is the more DODGE cards you draw, the less options you have in that turn. This happens because you cannot actively use DODGE during your turn since you are not under attack. This problem is compounded when you use a character that has an advantage with less or no cards on hand, such as Elder Zhu Ge Liang 诸葛亮. Since you cannot choose to discard cards if your number of cards on hand is equal or less than your amount of life points at that moment, you will likely be stuck with DODGE cards at the end of your turn!
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